Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Travel Health and Safety Mistake That Could Cost Your ...


Workplace health and safety has become commonplace for most companies globally. However, the same basic standards and compliance ?re conspicuously absent for th??e wh??e workplace includes travel. If you want to know more ?bout thi? mistake th?t ?ould cost y?ur business thousands ?f not rectified, th?n read on. In this article w? w?ll l?ok ?t workplace health ?nd safety, travel hazard identification, travel health ?nd safety in conjunction w?th the potential business losses. By th? end ?f th?s article y?u w?ll h?ve the f?ur basic steps t? evaluate ?our risk and the correction steps t? save y?ur business fr?m significant loss.

Workplace Health ?nd Safety

All developed countries h?ve v?ry mature workplace, site or project health and safety regulations, man? with stiff penalties f?r noncompliance. While th? overarching legislation provid?s compliance and standards guidelines, companies are ?bl? to apply th?ir own evaluation ?nd measurement of foreseeable threats, f?ll?wing a standardized methodology. This enables companies to benchmark th??r final results ?nd permits replicatable processes.

Due t? this common approach ?nd process maturity, many companies hav? ventured even further b? creating s?lf imposed higher standards ?u?h ?? ?no harm?, ?zero loss?, ?100% safe? and oth?r similar internal campaigns t? reduce or eliminate any-and-all injury in th? workplace, site or project.

Workplace health ?nd safety i? not ?ust practiced in the country ?f origin but ?lso applied t? ?ll th??r v?r??u? projects and worksites ?round the world a? a global health and safety standard.

Construction companies hav? tak?n thi? philosophy to th? nth degree b? displaying ?t the point ?f entry to the?r project, all incidents, days lost, days ?in?? la?t safety event ?nd ?? on.

Why ?? n?n? of this applied to travel health and safety?

Travel Hazard Identification

Following on fr?m th? workplace health ?nd safety model, activity ?nd location risk registers are typically made b?f?r? commencement of works ?nd maintained thr?ugh?ut the life of th? work activity. When w?? th? la?t time y?u s?w ? travel health and safety risk register ?r hazard identification register th?t u??d a standardized methodology?

If ?ou alr?ady h?v? ? workplace risk register, documenting the foreseeable threats, naked threat levels, treatment solutions, control measures ?nd residual risk level f?llow?ng ?ll modifier actions, why don?t you h?v? the sam? documentation for travel health and safety?

If ??u d?n?t apply the same process, maintain th? ?am? documentation ?nd conduct th? s?me degree of education and communication t? reduce the risk, f?r travel health ?nd safety then ??u d?n?t ? travel safety program at all. This mistake w?ll not ?nl? cost ??u from ? productivity ?nd efficiency perspective but expose ?ou to legal recourse ?h?uld it b? proven you h?ve failed to mitigate the travel health ?nd safety threats ?f ??ur extended workplace and travel activity.

Travel Health ?nd Safety

Travel health ?nd safety ?? n?t an unachievable task. All the steps h?v? b??n exhibited above. The ?nly reason it has not alr?ad? b?en applied to an? company travel management program i? due to ignorance, laziness, lack ?f education, lack of resources, ov?r confidence ?nd avoidance. None of wh??h are defensible f?r companies th?t suffer loss ?f life, reduction ?n people capital, decreased productivity ?nd financial loss.

Due to the amount or time consumed ?n business travel, travel ma? ?ctually constitute ? majority component of y?ur ?v?r?ll ?workplace?. This is parti?ularly acute f?r companies w?th high people capital business models, that sees a lot of consultants, academics, professionals ?r contractors traveling to the client?s physical business site/s from the?r respective city/country of residence.

Business Loss

You ?an?t improve what ?ou ?an?t measure. Travel health and safety ?hould be measured f?r loss to the business ranging from productivity t? direct financial losses. The problem ?? th?t b?c?u?e th? cumulative losses ar? rarely identified in ? single cost centre ?r business unit and more lik?ly spread a?r?ss multiple functions ?nd business units, businesses fail to identify or acknowledge th??? ov?rall travel health and safety losses.

Tangible losses ar? one issue wh?rea? th? intangible losses ?r? ?n?th?r matter entirely. Reputation, legal, market share, n?w business, training ?nd development ?re all plausible losses from foreseeable risk.

Failure to implement a travel health ?nd safety strategy will in time b? discovered a? ? grave mistake ?nd cost the company/business unit thousands of dollars (or more) in losses.


There is no requirement t? d? anything new, simply extend th? current workplace health ?nd safety methodologies to encompass ?all likel? places ?f work? wh?ch w?uld include travel.

The f?ur basic steps t? correct this mistake are: 1. Identify th? hazards; 2. Assess the risk; 3. Apply control measures; ?nd 4. Manage th? residual risk.

You ?hould n?w be ?bl? to identify th? significant void betw??n workplace health and safety and that ?f travel health ?nd safety, in part?cul?r hazard identification, regulatory compliance and the potential business losses.

Review your real status now. Identify the areas f?r improvement immediately, implement positive ?hange? and enjoy th? benefits th?t contribute to ??ur business travel productivity, efficiency ?nd safety. The information contained ?n th?s article will save ?ou thousands in potential losses should you not c?ns?d?r travel ? foreseeable risk to ?our business travellers or n?t con??d?r travel ?n extension ?f y?ur ?ver?ll workplace.

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